Today feels really summery...so why do my lips feel so dry and chapped? All through winter and spring I tried to look after my lips by exfoliating and layering with Vaseline regularly but they are still playing up!
So today I've been smearing them with one of my newest finds, Lanolips 101 Ointment. I like the thick formula, it really makes me feel like it's working and protecting, you know? I'm still a bit sore about having to sort the chapped-ness out though since it's bloody June and I'd much rather be wearing my pink Shiseido lippy that has become my recent summery go-to.
Bright, fun colours are meant to be worn during the summer months and wearing them on your lips is the easiest way to summer up your look.
Do you wear lip colour during the day in general or only in summer, or do you not wear anything on your lips during summer at all? Have you been rocking glosses - which I always think are lovely around this time of year - or is a matte lip stick your year-round staple? And what have you got slathered on your smackers right now?