When people incorrectly assume I am a silly-billy airhead with one interest, namely cosmetics, I can but laugh loud, long and lustily in the face of such foolishness.
I mean, I also like bags. And shoes.
And the musical output of Swami records and quantum physics*
The problem with my handbag fetish is that as I've gotten older I seem to be ironically spending a lot more money on ever teeny items. This leads to a bit of an issue. Namely, where to put my lipstick when out on the tiles. And due to Image mag's 20% discount on purchases at ASOS in a recent issue, I indulged in a little spot of Sonia Rykiel I'd been oogling for some time. The time was right; omens clear: a fifth off is not to be sneezed at.
On the model, it looked reasonably-sized for a shoulder bag. Not capacious, mind. Just a nice size for a night out. So I bought it. And got a bit of a shock when it came and I opened it: it was frigging miniscule. This is what shooting your stuff on size minus one million billion zero models'll do, I guess.
Anyway, I love it because it is lovely. Oh, and has a metal bow on the front. There is a problem though: it is so snug that all it can fit is my wallet (one of those big, long ones), my phone - also quite large, and eh, one lipstick. To get even that paltry amount of stuff in there I have to layer and lay in things in precise order. Woe betide if the phone should actually, y'know, ring.
It got me thinking - I actually rarely take more than a lipstick or gloss out with me because I know I won't be one bit bothered reapplying anything else after a couple of drinks - but what do you consider essential on a night out? Nothing? Everything? A little something in between?
Sure leave a comment and let us know - and for the curious, there's a shot of the bag after the cut, too.
*one of these statements is a lie