We do love a bit of a freebie on Beaut.ie, don't we? And mini goodness from beauty brands has been particularly good recently, with Estee Lauder, Lancome and Clinique all dishing up great bonus/gift time offers. But like everything in life, there's a bit of a catch.
"What do people do with all the bags?," CoffeeSusan asked on last week's Milly for Clinique post. "I’m a sucker for the bonus times, and my home reflects it," she revealed.
Yup. I'd say I have about 50 million of them lying about the place (no lie!) and while one of them is usually acting as my current daily makeup bag, the rest are squished into cupboards or hiding ancient lipsticks I thought I'd lost years ago.
What does our caffeine-loving miss use hers for? "I use one of them to store sewing supplies, others are used to store bits and bobs that clutter up drawers, I have my ‘weekend away’ wash bag and my ‘week away’ wash bag always packed with samples (yes, i live in hope of being whisked away by Colin Firth with v little notice) … another has hair bobbins and clips in it," she tell us.
Wow. That's dedication to the beauty cause. So, what do you guys do with yours?