We laugh about Heather Shimmer, but more people than you think actually really liked it, and would probably wear it again given the chance. My memories of Heather Shimmer, however, are of a purple/brown hue that did nothing for my pasty complexion, and lips that became cracked and dried out about ten minutes after applying it.
So what if I was to tell you that the '90s called, Armani answered, and we've now got a brownish, shimmery lipstick for the new generation? Because that's exactly what has happened.
As part of its beauty launches for Autumn/Winter 16, Armani has released this limited edition lipstick:
- Armani Runway Rouge D'Armani Fall - Winter 2016 €45
According to Armani, the look of Autumn 16 is opulent-boho, and the lip shade reflects that, in that it is supposed to enhance the wearer's natural lip colour. Rouge D'Armani has a slightly lavender hue which is more flattering than the flat brown doing the rounds back in the day. Google the All Saints of the 1990s and they'll confirm.
I tried it on my own smackers. Because I am not well endowed in the lip department, I need a stronger shade for any nights on the tiles, but for every day, I think this Heather Shimmer of the Naughteens (or whatever this decade is called) is delightful.
It feels gorgeous: luxurious and moisturising, and though the hue is subtle, it lasts for ages, leaving your lips looking like are always as naturally as smooth and plump.
If it's a nude lip you're after, you could not do much better than this; what's more, it's a true nude, suiting all lip tones. Beauty houses have answered the call of the nineties and upped it to, eh, ninety.
Are you a fan of the current '90s revival?