We are live! Thank you so much for your patience in keeping the faith while we pushed and shoved the new site online and changed server and did all kinds of technical things (that to be very honest I don't have a clue about). In the end we called in Fassbender. Yes sometimes you need someone with a massive tool and the ability to charm the pants off everyone to get things moving.
We've made all kinds of changes - the first thing you'll notice is the paper doll graphics who guide us through all the site sections with their cute ways, the improved search functionality, the drop down menus, threaded comments making it easier to chat, and RECENT COMMENTS will be back soon! And so is the newsletter! And Swap Siopa is new and improved! Check it all out!
There's lots more stuff too and you'll notice it as you use the site. More improvements will be rolled out over the next few weeks as we tweak and put more plans into action - but let us know for now - do you like? We REALLY hope you do!
N.B. DON'T panic if you can't see the new site - you may just need to reload the cache (you'll find the option to do that in the History section of your browser) and refresh the page.