Jaysis, aren't ingrown hairs a (nearly) pain in the arse? And sure, if you shave your arse, then they DEFINITELY are. No matter how careful I am or how much antiseptic cream you slap on when the little buggers appear, ingrown hairs are a beeeeeg problem with hair-removal, and something needs to be done!
And something has. While it might not be the prettiest beauty product in the whole world, it's certainly one of the most effective. PFB Vanish contains Salicilyc Acid (the same stuff that's in Disprin), and that's the magic ingredient that helps prevent ingrowns. Roll it on after shaving or waxing, and I promise yiz, ingrowns will be either entirely eliminated, or really noticeably reduced. At €23, you can get it at the chemist, and it lasts and lasts and lasts too.