You'd have to be keeping your head under a pretty flippin' large rock not to be acquainted with the big "R" or the "difficult/turbulent/challenging/insert own appropriate adjective here economic climate" or "the downturn" that's been raging all around us of late. At the very least, even if you're refusing to listen to the apparently omnipresent George Lee and changing the TV channel when the 9 O'Clock News comes on, you'll have noticed that 1% Government levy going AWOL from your wages. Most of us at this stage know someone who's out of a job, and are probably a bit worried about our own if we've managed to hang on to it thus far.
Additional taxes - sorry, I mean levies, of course - and wage cuts all add up to consumers becoming much more conscious of where they're spending the pennies. All manner of retailers and service providers are reporting that consumer spending is way down. Which begs the question - why aren't they slashing prices to make their goods and services seem more affordable, so?
One crowd who have apparently cottoned on to this way of thinking are Urbana, on Dublin's Wicklow Street. They've reduced the prices of a selection of their core treatments by between 10 and 15%, and are offering a whopping 50% off all services except laser treatment from 2pm - 4.30pm, Tuesday - Friday. Well worth going in on your lunch if you're in the vicinity!
In the normal course of things, even when these special offers aren't running, they give you 10% off when you book your treatment online.
Now if only more places would cop themselves on in a similar fashion...