We've all made terrible hair mistakes, but I'm really starting to worry about Tulisa because she (or her stylists) just can't seem to get it right. She's always had a strange relationship with her hair and the closest she's come to matching her skintone and make-up with her locks was a previous chocolate brown shade with stripey highlights. The ebony black she sported for a while wasn't absolutely vile either, but still looked too heavy and dark for her cute little head.
But now she's moved on from the Dark Side and gotten herself a dose of Lindsey Lohen blonde which is way too harsh and unnatural for her.
First of all, how the heck did she achieve this colour? I dyed my tips recently and it took three goes with bleach to lift them to even a semi-blonde shade, and my hair was never as black as Tulisa's. Amazingly, her hair still looks pretty healthy, even at the roots. Is it a head of extensions, or even a wig? Not at the hairline anyway, so it seems as though this dye job is the real deal?
The problem is, I think, that Tulisa hasn't quite mastered matching her make-up and skin tone to her hair colour. Her face is basically blending into her hairline thanks to deeply dark skin and strawberry blonde locks - with hair this blonde, you need to cool down and lighten up your make-up, as well as applying it with a lighter hand. She's in her early twenties but looks a helluva lot older.
Tulisa can look beautiful, so it's a shame when she cocks up her look and I can only hope she'll adjust to her new hair colour soon. With the right make-up and shade of tan, she could be bombshell hot.
What do you think - am I being too picky, or do you agree?