This New Year has been a bit of a blur - who knew Christmas could whizz by so fast?! Here we cast a peeper back on some of our favourite stories of 2014, what you were watching on Christmas Day, and kick start a brand new skin regime for 2015. Firstly, here's Sienna Miller looking lovely in her skin. Consider it motivation!
1. 'American Sniper' Premiere
We gots all the photos of everyone looking lovely
2. Girls Season 4 Premiere New York
Lena Dunham and her cohorts rock various looks at the show's premiere
3. Simone’s Favourite Stories of 2014
Been following Simone's fitness progress? Well here are her favourite stories from 2014
4. Be Mesmerized - It’s Kylie Jenner’s Lip Evolution
5. Bad Skin Habits to Cast Off in 2015
New year, new you, be comfortable in your skin, not itchy.
6. Clinique Kick Starts 2015 with a Brand New Foundation
Clinique has a new base product hitting counters next month and it’s a good ‘un
7. Top 10 Most Watched TV in Ireland on Christmas Day
The festive season is all about family, friends, food and well, telly really
8. Karen Koster Introduces Beautiful Baba
Naaaaaawwwww, lookittheliddlefellah! Here is Mr. Finn McGuire...