Very few people can pull off the half-bun look. What should be a really frickin' easy style to do should take no time and be a simple alternative to the full bun. Or hair down.
Artist Cassandra Calin has summed it up in one perfect image:
Her Insta page is full of spot-on thoughts on what it's like to be a normal gal amongst picture perfect Instagram princesses. The struggles of a makeup trier are real, people.
A photo posted by C. Cassandra (@cassandracalin) on
While we all know that that blogger you follow has spent hours putting on her makeup and spent the night before choosing her outfit and she had her Insta husband take thousands of photos to get that one perfect shot, it's still good to know that we're not the only ones going around with frizzy hair and smudged lippy.
Cassandra's observations on life, love and beuaty are funny, witty and SO TRUE. You must follow her immediately.