Given that we're so hot on highlighting unfair cosmetic pricing between the UK and Ireland, it's only fair to return the favour and give a pat on the back to brands who are willing to do something about the problem.
Like Darphin. I like this brand a huge amount and think the company's skincare is absolutely fantastic. But I rarely feature it on Beaut.ie because of the ouch-inducing prices, and because this is a real-women's blog for real women - I mean, how many of you are routinely handing over €100+ for your daily moisturiser? Yep, didn't think so.
So, while of course we bring you the news of all the new and fab (and expensive and cheap) beauty launches out there, I am reluctant to personally rave about highly-priced creams too often. It smacks of a complete sense of dislocation from you guys who read each day, and it's a glossy mag tactic that's exclusionary and turns readers off. It doesn't feel real, does it?
And that was why I was actually gobsmacked to hear about the price-point for the brand's new Hydraskin Essential All-Day Skin-Hydrating Emulsion. In the UK, it's £30. In Ireland, it's €33. And that new strategy is being reflected across the entire range, you'll be further pleased to hear.
Bearing in mind that Darphin is a luxury line and prices will still be on the expensive side, this is an excellent entry-point rate for a product that they say is suitable for all skin types. I think it's also going to be one that'll go down very well with 20-somethings upwards in terms of purse-friendliness and what it does.
The real secret to anti-ageing is prevention - and that should come in the first instance in the form of good hydration and a decent SPF. While this doesn't include one - sometimes it's still just not possible yet to get ingredients to agree with each other for a good result - you can use a separate one or make sure your foundation has protection instead.
So, you'll get hydration with this, thanks to fancy dual-phase hydrating technology which takes advantage of the salicornia plant. Like Origins have done with their use of resurrection plants, Darphin is taking the ability of the plant to hydrate itself in a very tough environment and utilising it in your face cream, along with a second phase that includes shea butter, lavender extract, mango butter and organic safflower oil.
You'll find the brand at Arnotts and selected stockists nationwide - give 0044 870 034 2566 a call for one near you.