Is there a wan among us who hasn't suffered from an "adverse reaction", as the cosmetic companies like to say, from an innocent looking moisturiser, mascara or body lotion?
In my case I've had many such rashes and raging dry skin, spots aplenty and in one case nails that split and cracked so badly it took months for them to recover.
But it's difficult to know what your skin will react to because everyone's different and individual body chemistry means that one persons Holy Grail is another's Product From Hell. Essential oils are a red flag for me - not only do they cause my skin to rage, they also make my eyes water like I've got a bad case of hayfever. For this reason anything with an overload of smelly "botanics" like geranium or lavender is enough for me to run screaming as soon as the jar is opened. I'm sorry Spezia - it's not you, it's me. Well maybe it's a bit you too. I just hate you.
I had a hatred for Avon ever since one of their moisturisers broke me out in a rash that raced all down my hands, neck and arms and left tiny red bumps that took weeks to subside. And the Elizabeth Arden moisturiser that I saved up for ages to buy as a teenager? I had to get injections from the doc and go on antihistamines before the reaction to that died down
Mineral makeup can contain intensely irritating chemicals, silicone and glycerol clog up some people's skin something rotten, while foaming agents in cleansers and shampoos can act as a cosmetics Nagasaki for the unfortunate.
It might have been that serum that was supposed to calm down redness, but actually CAUSED more redness, the foundation that gave you the three headed spot from hell the day before your Big Date, or the moisturiser that clogged your pores so badly that you suffered from a horrible outbreak of blackheads for weeks. Whatever it was, we've all been there.
Tell us what products definitely didn't agree with you and what ingredients you've sworn to stay away from for good.
Think of this as group therapy and unburden yourself - get going!