The Great Big Reader Haircare Review: Wanna Join In?

Attention anyone with hair they hate!

I have been doing a pre-spring clean wonder-tidy on the beauty stash and it's completely apparent that unless I grow a head of hair that can be variously curly, blonde, colour-treated, ageing, short, man-like, frizz-prone, limp AND lifeless, sulphate-intolerant and everything-else-besides, all at the same time, a lot of this beauty booty won't get the outing it deserves.

That's where you come in. I am looking for haircare and styling testers. Oh yes, I am.  And you can be one! Oh yes, you can! Now, this isn't a competition for freebies - I need you to do some work in order to make all the parceling up and postage costs worthwhile.

So, to take part, what do you need to do?

Entries now closed!


Entries for this are now closed, apologies, but we have over 100 of them to get through so thank you all very much!

Send an email to and tell me:

  1. what sort of hair you have  - please be as specific as possible as to length, condition, issues (thinning, fine, frizz-prone, flat, ageing etc) whether it's colour-treated or heat damaged, brittle etc so I can match you up to a product
  2. what you hope to achieve from your haircare/any specifics you're keen to try - e.g smoother appearance, volume, straightness, shine etc
  3. what sort of haircare you generally use (salon brands, supermarket brands, product names etc) and your usual routine - do you use shampoo, conditioners, masques, leave-in products, do you home colour and do you use heat stylers often?

Terms and conditions: 1. Sadly, there isn't something for everyone in the audience and I'll pick testers based on their suitability for the products I have to hand. 2. You must use each item at least three times to give it a decent go. 3. You must agree to answer a set of questions I will send you after a period of around a month and your feedback will be published on 4. I will only post to the island of Ireland. 5. Some parcels may be big so they may not fit through your post box and will require collection from your nearest sorting office. If you don't collect in time and the parcel is sent back, I won't resend it. 6. If you skip off into the ether and refuse to answer my emails I will be very cross. Oh yes I will. And I'll have your address and I'll send your mammy a Hogwarts-style Howler postcard.

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