I blogged last week about the wonderful sounding Farnham Estate in Cavan. It's a luxury hotel with ace sounding spa facilities. But if you don't quite have the shekels to be affording a weekend of pampering goodness, then how about getting your hands on some of the lovely products they sell up there instead?
One of the ranges they stock is Kerstin Florian, a luxe spa brand who create products are rich in essential oils and anti-oxidants. I've recently been using their Aroma Akta Lavender Body Oil which is just lovely, and which can be used as a massage oil, as a facial moisturiser or as a bath soak. Needless to say, my love of bathing has led me to use it in hot steamy water. As a bath oil this stuff is gorgeous - you're recommended to use two capfuls and soak for 20 minutes, after which time you'll be soothed and revived. Yup - it did that alright, though I confess I stayed in more than the alloted minutes, and topped up the water a time or three too.
My only worry with this gorgeous stuff is that I'm going to run out soon! In which case, I'll have to take myself off to Farnham to buy more. Oh such hardship! Kerstin Florian products are also available in selected spas such as Randles Court Hotel, Killarney; Castle Dargan, Sligo and The Lodge Hotel at Doonbeg.