How is your beauty routine coping with the weather?
And what are you doing with your hair? It's impossible to keep it nice. It doesn't matter if I shell out to go to the hairdresser for a blowdry or spend hours wrestling with it myself. In a matter of seconds the rain and humidity will have reduced it to a mass of frizz
Nature has wickedly endowed me with naturally big hair. Which I hate. I can't use straighteners as it's "over processed". Dangerously so. For over processed read, years of dying, bleaching, highlighted and torture by heat styling devices.
So all summer I've left it in it's natural state. There was no point in doing otherwise. Calmed only by Aveda Be Curly/ John Frieda Brilliant Brunette creams and serums/ the odd dollop of Frizz Ease.
Mixing Redken Fresh Curls with some hair gel has also worked to tame it.
What are you doing with your hair in this weather? Please give me some good tips!