Tootling around Tesco doing the weekly shop is so not my idea of fun. Himself, meanwhile, could happily spend hours pushing a trolley up and down every aisle, browsing, imagining a week's worth of Come Dine With Me stylee dinners. So it's inevitable, really, that I usually end up bringing home a little somethin' somethin' from the Tesco Skin Wisdom range as a present to myself for getting through the expedition.
My latest purchase transported me back to my teenage years when I was pretty well obsessed with sticking things on my face, peeling them off, and marvelling at the dead skin cells and miscellaneous pore junk that were stuck to them.
The Instant Benefits Peel-Off mask comes in a pink and white sachet, and there's enough for three uses in the sachet if you reseal it well after each use. Containing fruit acids to gently exfoliate dead skin cells and acerola cherry and Vitamin C to promote radiance, it's a slightly tacky-feeling, sweet-smelling, light pink gel.
So far, so inoffensive.
On application, expect loved ones to wonder if you've got a rash on your face: that light pink colour makes skin look seriously ruddy. There's a good bang of alcohol off it, too, so coupled with the flushed look it lends to skin, you may notice an increase in worried enquiries about your drinking habits when using this stuff. Thankfully, that smell subsides fairly quickly - just as well because this is a slow burner and needs to be left on for 20-25 minutes to do its thing.
Removal is good fun (you know that Mission Impossible where they spend the whole movie donning latex masks and then gruesomely tearing them off? I always feel like that with peel-off face masks) as long as you don't use it too close to your eyebrows or hairline.
Results are immediate: upon removal, my pores look clearer and smaller, the fine lines in my forehead appear reduced, and skin looks brighter overall.