This whole beauty lark isn’t always easy, is it? With the arsenal of lotions, potions and technologically advanced products and methods we use every day, I suppose it’s not that surprising when something goes wrong.
Take for example the time I was shaving my legs in the shower and as I shaved the second leg, I thought the razor felt a bit funny on my skin, like it was skipping instead of gliding smoothly along, and I resolved to replace it afterwards. Then as I was moisturizing my legs after the shower, I noticed that one leg was not cleanly shaven – it took me a few minutes of staring at it to realize that I had managed to shave my left leg twice and not do the right leg at all.
And when I thought back, I figured out that it was because I always start by shaving the right leg when I shower – this time I’d started instead on the left for some reason, and I didn’t adapt well to this change in my routine.
Then there was the time I picked up the bottle of body lotion after the shower and started to moisturize. As I went along, I thought the texture of the lotion seemed a little bit different – a bit more watery and less creamy, maybe - but I was coming to the end of the bottle and thought that must be why. When I had finished moisturizing and was about to put the bottle back on the shelf, I glanced at the label and realized I’d just “moisturized” my arms and legs with cleansing milk … both products being from the same brand and having similar packaging. So back into the shower I had to go to rinse it all off.
I suppose I was at least guaranteed to be clean by that stage.
So now that I have shared, please feel free to add your own tales of woe with a comment below!