Last week, we broke the merry news that Boots Star Gift is back and while we didn't think it could get any better - it just has. Why? There's another Star Gift due to hit shelves tomorrow and we will be revealing it at one minute past twelve tonight! *sets alarm clock*
Boots Star Gift is a one-week-only (or while stocks last), better-than-half-price offer on one highly-coveted product and there is a new Star Gift every week in the lead up to Christmas. Last week's was an absolute doozy, but there's much more where that came from. This week and for the weeks leading up to Christmas, we will be pulling off the sparkly blindfold when the clock strikes a minute past midnight so that our readers are the first ones in the know.
One of the best things about the Star Gift is the exciting lead up, so if you have been given a tip-off by your friend's cousin's mother-in-law, keep schtum and let's keep the surprise a suprise!
See you back here at 12.01 tonight when all the details will be revealed - and don't forget, we will have one Star Gift to give away to one lucky reader!