Christmas season is one of those times where drinks and nights out are flowing and you will find any excuse to have a tipple.
But sometimes you just don't feel the part and the thought of spending an hour on your makeup after a long days work just for a quick drink before you head home seems futile.
What you need are some quick and easy steps to get you from desk to dancefloor with little effort and maximum impact.
Statement Lip
Christmas is the best time to wear a red lip. It's festive and really helps you to look like you have made an effort. If red is not your colour, don't worry; there are so many lovely autumnal bright colours that will work instead. Purples, burgundies, or even oranges can be really fun and make such an impact.
Liquid Liner
A wing liner or just a liquid liner can really help you look like you have amped up your look. You can even get stencils nowadays that will make that wing symmetry foolproof. Here's how to add a little panache to your liner look.
Add a Glow
A highlighter is always a quick, easy and foolproof option to make you look more polished. Add a bit on your cupids bow, the cheekbones, the centre of the nose, tear duct, and brow bone. If you're wearing a top that exposes your collar bones then add a bit there, too. Haven't found the perfect highlighter? Here's how to make your own.
Add a False Lash
When your lashes are glam and full you look like you made an effort. Add a quick pair of lashes to your day look for maximum impact. If you struggle to apply these you can get smaller clusters of lashes that aren't a full lash that are easier to apply.
Pencil Liner in the Water Line
This is a super quick and easy tip to create the look of drama but with minimal effort.
Backcomb Your Hair
Keep a mini can of hairspray in your drawer and a comb and give your roots a lift. It will look like you got a blow dry.
Do you have any desk to dancefloor tips you want to share with us?