Beeb beeb de beeb beeb: news so far
On Monday StrawberryNet sent out an email telling their Irish customers that they were going to raise their prices. But they didn't put it quite like that. No they were much more sneaky. They tried to confuse the issue by making it one about dollars and euro and currency conversions and VAT.
Read what the email said if you missed it.
But seriously - do they think we're all thick?
They must do, because when you emailed them to ask them to explain they just sent out an auto reply that added no further information.
We are gutted about this at Beaut.ie because they are an affiliate* of ours - and we choose our affiliates very carefully. They have to have great products, great customer service - and most of all great prices - or else we can't recommend them and stand over our recommendations.
So it is with great regret that we're dropping StrawberryNet from our list of Sites We Like and getting rid of their banner ads. They've chosen to go down this route and raise prices to the Irish consumer at a time when we can least afford it. At Beaut.ie we are constantly emailing brands and asking them what they're going to do about their shocking markups in Ireland - so when we heard of this policy change in an online shop that we trusted we were horrified.
Oh well, it was nice while it lasted.
*There are certain sites that we like - and we think you will too. So if they're a good fit we will become an affiliate of theirs. This means that every time you click through the links we put up and choose to buy something we will get a tiny percentage of that sale (usually between 2% - 5%). So if you like Beaut.ie and want to support us and help us pay our bills, we really appreciate it when you click our links. From now on we will put an asterisk * after every affiliate link so you will be able to see clearly that it is an affiliate and can choose to click on it or not. We choose affiliates based on how good we think they are.