To be sung to the tune of Football's Coming Home:
Yup! We heard a few weeks ago that Stila would relaunch back into Boots stores in the UK at the end of this month so of course I donned my Topcat-style porkpie hat and got busy investigating.
Sadly my enquiries stalled when Boots Ireland informed me that no, there were no plans to take Stila into any Irish stores at the moment, but my spirits soared the very next day when the brand's UK distributor got in touch via Twitter (I'd been Tweeting this horribly sad tale of cosmetic denial) to say that the brand was coming and that they should know, cos they're the ones who are actually supplying it. Well, can't say fairer than that, eh?
So, Northern Irish gals, take note of the 5th of July as that's when Boots Belfast (I know there's more than one in the city, so I am imagining it'll be the biggest one) will take delivery of one of the most-missed brands of recent years. Us ladies down south have to wait one more day when all matters Stila debut at Liffey Valley on July 6th.
To whet your appetite, that's a little selection of my Stila goodies above - I've more lurking about the place but over the years I think the one thing I've used and loved consistently from the brand has been its brushes, which were excellent. There was also always a lot of love for its shadow and cheek products and I'm dying to get reacquainted with, well, pretty much everything.
Around 105 products will be arriving and there'll be old faves like Smudge Pots, €17, Lip Glazes, €19.50, Convertible Colours, €21, shadows (yes, Kitten makes a reappearance!) for €15, the foundations will be in the €30+ bracket and there will be eight brushes ranging from €17 to €38. We can expect to find seasonal palettes and new products coming on-stream throughout the year too.
Good news, eh? What products were you missing from Stila - and are you glad it's back?