Spring Has Sprung: The Beaut.ie Guide to Facial SPF

Well, blow me down with a feather etc, because it's been sunny for oh, what, about six days now? MANY DAYS. Of un-interrupted brightness? In Ireland? My heart, it can't take the shock.

That means of course that we're all guiltily thinking about SPFing up again and I admit it, I let things slide over the very dank and cold winter. I allowed the SPF in my foundation (a measly 15) to do all the protectin' but now that spring has sprung, it's time to dig it out my factor 50 from the back of the bathroom cabinet and faithfully apply.

But, eh, we're all a bit confused about the bauld sunscreen, aren't we? We've loads in the archives to help demystify the topic a little - here are my top picks of all of our sunscreen posts for your amusement and edification:


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