Not so very long ago, blokes all over the country were sporting awful gingery hairy growths atop their upper lips for Movember, and now it's time for another spot of facial hair to take centre stage. Cadbury's (yep, the chocolate people) are keen to make eyebrows the focus of attention this month, rechristening it "Febrowary" and commissioning a poll of peeps on the streets in the UK to find who they thought had the best brows eva.
The top ten ran in as follows:
1. Sean Connery
2. Brooke Shields
3. Eddie Hobbs Count von Count from Sesame Street
4. Alistair Darling
5. Brains from Thunderbirds
6. Noel Gallagher
7. Des Lynam
8. Frida Kahlo
9. Liam Gallagher
10. Vanilla Ice
Admittedly, it's not really usual for chocolatiers to be almost as obsessed as moi about the oul' facial hairy mollies, but all these eyebrow shenanigans are in celebration of Cadbury's latest viral ad. The follow-up to the drumming gorilla and the trucks having fun (you know the ones) features a brother and sister busting out a range of kerazee eyebrow dance moves, and it is absolutely my favourite ad at the minute. Love it!
Now - how to make sure your brows are in tip top shape for Febrowary and beyond? Well, you could get tweezed at your nearest Benefit or Esteé Lauder brow bar, nip into Neelu's in Arnotts or Dun Laoghaire for some threading (or check here for a wee list of other threading locations), or beg Waxpert Ellen to squeeze you in for an eyebrow overhaul. If you're more of a DIY type, keep your eyes peeled (ow) for a special eyebrow shaping "How To" for the month that's in it!
Check out the ad after the cut.