I could nearly hear the collective rolling of eyes when it was revealed that scrubby gloves are Kim Cattrell's number one tip for a cellulite-free beauty beautiful, but you know what? I always have one in the shower and while they've yet to shift my cellulite, I do find them great for a thorough body exfoliation.
My current pair are Boots' own brand white ones, and to judge by the current state of them you'd think they were bought pre-decimalisation. Frequent use means they've nearly been worn smooth, and since I often deploy them to get rid of the last vestiges of fake tan, no amount of washing can now rid them of their permanent grubby grey-brown hue.
Having decided that my next exfoliating gloves would have to be coloured to hide tan stains, I hit the shops. Maybe I got Boots and Superdrug on a bad day, but I could only find one decently scrubby pair that weren't white. Soap and Glory Super Exfoliating Scrub Gloves are salmon pink with a textured, knobbly weave, and they feel thicker and fit my small hands better than similar gloves.
Turns out they're also quite a bit more expensive, which I hadn't clocked while browsing the shelves: these were nearly €5.49, compared to less than two quid for an own brand pair. Oops.
Are they worth the extra spend? Actually, I think they might be. Apart from being a visual upgrade from my scuzzy old Boots ones, they're more scrubby than their predecessors were in their heyday without being tear-the-skin-off-your-arse abrasive.