Now my child. Shut your prayer books and cancel your visions of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Even though you have lived a life full of crimes against skincare things just might be okay.
It's skin care with a difference that's right up Beaut.ie street. The Aussies like to live hard and party hard and in many respects are more Irish than the Irish themselves - and that's why this range will probably resonate with a lot of us.
Being holy is such a bleedin snore fest. Eating the right things ALL THE TIME, drinking gallons of water every day, avoiding alcohol and parties and never ever forgetting your sun screen are things we SHOULD do - but we are all only human
Instead of being holier than thou about prevention and maintenance the Aussie Sin-Care range refreshingly assumes that you'll be a god forsaken heathen sinner who has lived life a life so chockablock full of wine, sunbathing, junk food, late nights, fags and sugar that you are only dying for something to rescue your skin.
Can I just say that this whole philosophy speaks to the very core of my being? All these things show in my skin. All of them. I've burned the candle at both ends, right down to the stubs, lit some new ones and still will probably never learn. Oh dear.
SIN #1 Smoking; SIN #2 Sun Damage; SIN #3 High Sugar Diet; SIN #4 Stress; SIN #5 Fatigue/Lack of Sleep; SIN #6 Sports Fatigue; SIN # 7 Time Poor; SIN # 8 Smog/City Living
Of the eight deadly sins identified, the range has targeted skincare to match each problem. Essentially serums that sit under your moisturiser they'll give you a boost and help to repair the look of damage and freshen up the appearance of skin.
So what do you think? Is this the kind of approach you'd like to see more of?