While some of you had a good laugh at my digitally-ravaged visage the other week, it was all for a good cause: to demonstrate what might happen if I didn't follow a good skincare regieme, which could involve use of RoC's new Multi Correxion products.
I had a little offer on the table at the time, too - Roc had offered to age some of our readers, and two Beaut.ies decided to brave it and send me a picture to be similarly ancient-ised.
Roisin O'Dea is 26, and Aliona Kasciukeviciene is 23, so they're fairly similar in years. But they're going to both look a little different when you check them out after the jump!
Here's Roisin with 30-40 extra years added to her noggin. She's not looking too bad all for a burd in her late 50s-early 60s, but there's a fair bit of pigmentation going on on her cheeks and eyes, as well as some deep lines around the neck. I'd prescribe lashings of sunscreen pronto, and paying proper attention to running moisturiser down the neck and onto the chest to prevent both things from happening in the future.
Aliona's fair skin seems to have thinned as the years progressed (like Roisin, between 30-40 years have been added to her) and right now I'd say she should pay extra attention to making sure she's getting as much moisture as possible into her skin, as that'll help prevent fine lines which will deepen into wrinkles - and you can see them there, particularly round the eyes.
Fancy getting something like this done yourself? Privately, naturally -meaning there's no way we'll publish them and shame you in front of the nation! Mine and the girls photos were aged by whizz of a guy called Derek Counhian at Retouching.ie courtesy of RoC, and you can visit www.retouching.ie for further info.