Remember Japanese Washing Grains from the Body Shop? I was obsessed with them as a teenager. They came in a cute cylindrical paper carton, from which you shook the grains into the palm of your hand, much in the way you'd measure out herbs or spices. Mixed in with a drop or two of warm water, they formed an exfoliating paste with which to tackle your teenage 'areas of congestion'.
But then they discontinued them - that or I discovered something a bit more expensive. Still, you never forget your first exfoliator, do you (hello, Aapri), and so I got a giddy little glow of nostalgia when a press release from L'Occitane landed on my desk. It told the tale of a new rice-based range, one product of which was - wooo hoo - a fab little cylinder containing Exfoliating Rice Powder!
A wee bit more expensive than the Body Shop's version, true, you'll hand over about €25ish for this, and apparently it's particularly excellent for those with combination skin too.