Typical Irish man unaware that Shiseido for Men has not been replaced in the bathroom cabinet for last two years
Yes I know it's Budget Day and we'll have a whole lot more to be worried about than a few tubes of moisturiser - but I thought you might find this interesting. And not a little unsurprising.
Irish men were always a bit meh about the male grooming trend that so captured the female imagination during the Celtic Tiger years. Yes, spending on premium men's skincare brands like Clinique and Lancome soared - but it turned out that it was women who were doing all the buying. Women were picking up a little something for their menfolk causing sales figures to soar. We then all jumped to the conclusion that Irish men had become all metrosexual and modren.
But we were oh so wrong. As discretionary income shrank women stopped buying Clarins for Men for their ungrateful other halves and instead just treated themselves. And it turns out that men didn't miss it one bit. If it was available in the bathroom cabinet, grand, they used it. If it wasn't, they weren't arsed buying it for themselves. So they just stopped exfoliating, mositurising and doing all those things that they were only doing half heartedly anyway. And if they did continue the habit it was just with any old brand they can pick up in Aldi or similar.
So men really are only interested in one thing.
Oh well. Another illusion shattered...