Either you're all bald, don't care or are possessed of locks that would make a cave-woman proud, but today's Reader Rated features a mere duo of good hairdryers, as voted by you Beaut.ies. Thankfully no one confused the device above with something else also commonly coloured pink, as reader Roisin did on Monday. "Is it just me or does that pink hairdryer look like it could double for another accessory usually found in the bedroom?", she queried cheekily.
So, what makes the cut?
Wahl hairdryer
I have fairly thick coarse hair that can be a bit of a nightmare to blowdry. I was spending around €30/€40 for the hairdryers so it's not that they were the cheapy kind but they only lasted about 18 months. Last year I got myself a professional hairdryer and ceramic brush from a hairdresser supply place in town. I think the make is Wahl - it cost around €80 and have to say it was the best investment as it cuts the drying time down dramatically and theres no sign of it dying on me!!
Fiona Scott, Dublin
Il Futuro by Elchim
I have very, very thick wavy/messy hair down to my bra strap which used to take me well over half an hour to dry using my old Revlon hairdryer.
Last year I bought the Il Futuro by Elchim in Peter Mark and haven’t looked back!! This baby blasts my hair dry in 15 minutes flat, it has ultra ionic technology meaning it releases negative ions which dries my hair straight and shiny. It’s comfortable to use, as well as the standard handle it also has a ‘handycam’ type handle on top which makes pointing the hair dyer straight down the back of your head a lot more comfortable. I bought it for €79 and would be lost without it!!!
Lisa, Tipperary