Yep, I say it often enough, I am a slave to cleansing oils, but sometimes - especially after 95 wines - I slip a little.
Which is why I always have a sneaky emergency pack of cleansing wipes on hand. And I know I'm not the only one prone to a little cheating now and then. After all, the way I look at it is this: while wipes are by no means ideal way to deep cleanse, at least using them occasionally when a tad inebriated is better than going to bed with the makeup mask still on, isn't it?
My current sneaky, cheatin' wipes 'o choice are Garnier's Clean Detox ones. They smell nice, do a daycent job of removing the slap, are easy to find in supermarkets and chemists. I am perfectly content with them for emergency use.
So, what do you guys have on hand for lazy makeup removal emergencies? Or do you just detest them and refuse point blank to have them in the house?