Every year at Beaut.ie we are inundated with panicked requests from menfolk at Christmas time.
"I don't know what to get my wife/girlfriend/sister/girl in work that I not so secretly fancy - help me! Oh please help me!"
And every year we give suggestions, depending on budget, many of which involve GHDs (men love giving these for some reason), Chanel nailvarnish, Bobbi Brown Palettes, Mac limited editions or spa/salon vouchers. And (of course) this year every man in the land should be buying several copies of the Beaut.ie Guide to Gorgeous for his loved ones
Every year when the husband asks me "What do you want for Christmas?" I reply "A kitten" (because one year he actually did get me a kitten (this kitten in fact) and I never give up hope that it may happen again).
So what do you want do you really really want to get in your ahem stocking this Christmas? Rate your best gifts here and we'll pass it on!