Recently two of my most well-loved makeup items came a-cropper.
First my ancient auld limited edition Benefit blusher, in a cute black pot accessorised with a green chiffon ribbon, shattered all over my makeup bag. I was very sad, as it was a fabulously whoreish bright pink, and I used it often. But I had a standby - my lovely, lovely Paul & Joe blusher, a relatively new-ish fave.
But a few mornings ago, as I was hurriedly making up before work, I knocked it off my bathroom countertop, and watched in sl-mo horror as it hit the tiled floor, opened, and shattered all over the gaff. I wanted to cry. I bought it in Japan and it was so nice. Pink and gold, the colours blended on your face and the effect was just lovely, fresh cheeks.
Poor me! While I'm mourning my loss, I'm sure the rest of you guys have had many a beauty-related mishap too. So, tell us, what's been the WORST beauty disaster to befall you?