Scrub a dub dub, dead skin in a tub….a good body scrub is something that we should all be using to avoid dilemmas like the dreaded dandruff legs.
Body exfoliators slough off all those dead cells, making sure that you getting the most from your moisturiser. And do not even attempt to fake tan without spending some time in the shower with a decent body polish.
Some people opt for the little scratchy gloves - cheap, get the job done and make your washing line look like you wear mittens all year round. Others like the luxurious feel of an oil-based product, and the supermarkets are stacked with salt scrubs, sugar scrubs and gels packed with exfoliating beads.
Or if you are a fan of homemade products, a quick mix of olive oil and salt/sugar can make a great, natural (and cheap!) alternative.
So which products get your vote and which would you like to send off in the boat with the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker? Tell us in the comments!