I have to go and lay my weary head on a lavender-scented pillow now and rest assured we'll have a gajillion more photos and whatnot next week but if you're agog to know how today's Benefit event at Brown Thomas Dublin went, well then here's it in a nutshell: IT WAS FAB!
Head over to Facebook to check out a gallery of readers we snapped - thanks so much to you all for coming, we loved seeing you - and I'll leave you today with this prize pic of Jazz, Benefit's UK PR and Annie Ford Danielson getting a look at Beaut.ie reader Aifs' maaaaaasive Benefit collection!
But what were they so amazed by?
Oh y'know, this:
Pic credit @yddib
This girls, is all Aifs has. Poor her, eh?
So, did you come along today? Enjoy it? Leave us a comment and let us know - and if we snapped you, make sure you check out Facebook to see if you're there.
Loads more pix and chat on the event are to come next week - so don't forget to check back!