Oh, I might have dreamed of - and gotten - a mild Christmas, but I also got a calorie-laden one. I dunno about you, but this year, there was no piece of Cashel Blue too far for moi. No glass of white wine I wouldn't drink and no Rose I would I baulk at eating. Even the caramel barrels. Yes. EVEN those.
It's safe to say my main resolution is to go on a diet, toot sweet.
What about you? Got anything lined up on your list o' things you intend to do for 2012? Get fit, learn a new language, master the art of driving a car, learn cordon bleu cookery, ditch cleansing wipes, learn how to blend, get a new hobby, find a new job, achieve a work/life balance (I might look into this one meself), quit the shopaholia, start a savings account, investigate a pension, buy a house, save and splurge on your first designer purchase, go on an amazing holiday, write a book, start a blog - oh, the possibilities are endless.