Oh you know how it is. You excitedly drop €45 on that brand new base everyone's talking about, get it home, lash it on and admire how feckin' gorgeous you look. Off out you go, for lunch with the girls or shopping or some other fun pursuit where with extra confidence in your step due to said new Foundation of Skin Amaze, you flirt with the handsome waiter, chat to a hot guy at the bar or negotiate a smart discount you'd never have the confidence to do normally.
And then. And then you catch sight of your neon glow in a mirror or window as you're struttin' your stuff en route to your next port of call. Somehow the gods of foundation karma have decided to rain all over your particular parade and what was once porcelain ivory is now decidedly biscuit beige, Saharan sand or in fact, any shade Testy Broader herself would be proud to never worry about matching to her neck.
Foundation oxidising is a pain in the hoop. What's been your worst experience with it? Tell us your tales of woe in a comment - and don't forget, Beaut.ie is a safe space of non-judgement: we've all been there with our orange faces and lipsticked teeth.