To our noughties sensibilities, a Buf Puf means something entirely different, but back in the 80s, these little doofers were the height of cosmetic innovation. They were even immortalised by Sue Townsend when Adrian Mole cleaned the bath with his mothers, much to Mrs Pauline Mole's extreme rage.
So for those of you too young to remember - what the hell is a Buf Puf? It's basically an exfoliating sponge that you use to smooth and clean your face, removing dead skin cells and providing a base for makeup.
Obviously things have moved on and now we have all sorts of wonder products to buy, and so Buf Pufs have fallen firmly out of favour.
OR HAVE THEY? Like every other 'where are they now' product I blog about, I always find that the bloody thing is still being sold, proving that some people truly cannot adapt their routine and move with the times. I'm pretty sure there are far better products out there to do a great job of facial exfoliating, but no, Buf Puf is defiantly clinging on for dear life.
And that's not all - as it hovered on the brink of extinction, it somehow managed to mutate. Yes, gentle reader, there are now a range of Buf Puf products. There are Body Pufs, Back Pufs and single, one use facial Pufs in packs of 40.
And with that, I'm all out of Puf myself.