Loose or Pressed powder - which is better?

Powder is a secret weapon for making our makeup last longer throughout the day. But which is better to use, loose or pressed?

Powder is one of those products that can make or break your makeup look. If it underperforms, you can be left with a patchy, shiny base. If there's too much, it can look caky, or like a mask on our faces. Nowadays, there are so many to choose from it can be a little tricky to decipher which is best for you. So we're starting with the big question - which is better, loose or pressed?

Here are some pros and cons for each side, to help you decide:


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In general, loose powder has a lighter consistency than it's pressed counterpart. So if coverage if something you're concerned with, then a pressed powder could be the winner. However, if you want something that can set your base, without it being visible, a fine loose powder is the way to go.

Lasting Power

There's a general belief that pressed powders have a longer lasting power but... that isn't always true. If loose is applied with a big, fluffy brush it gives a more natural finish, but, it won't last as long. Maybe, 2-3 hours. However, if you use a powder puff (a bridal makeup artist trick) and press the product into skin, you'll be able to achieve a long lasting finish that won't budge for hours on end.


This is where pressed and compact versions usually win hands down. They are more travel friendly than the loose pots and less messy to deal with if you're on the run. There are some smaller loose powder pots available (such as the Bourjois Java Rice Powder), but even then, you'll have to be wary of spills.

Over all, there's a good defence for both loose and pressed powders. However, if portability and ease of use are your main concerns then pressed seems to win this particular battle.


Which kind do you prefer?

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