Putting aside the fact that this is giving me flashbacks to the scene in Wayne's World when Wayne is cutting Garth's hair with the Suck Kut, what we see above is actually a hairdryer that promises "easy glamour at the touch of a button".
For gals who long to be curly, Remington's new Spin Curl gives you the ability to create a head full 'o waves by basically sticking sections into that clear plastic bit, whacking on the on button, and then pulling hair through the gizmo.
Hair is curled as it's dried using a rotating current - and voila, you get twistyness. Those above look a little dready, but I'm trusting once you've run fingers or a gentle brush through them you'll get volume and bounce.
Exclusively at Boots stores, the Spin Curl is £39.99stg, so no doubt it'll be about one million Euro here.