I'm getting my hair done for the first time in months on Saturday. Every time I get it done I promise myself not to let it get so crap again, but then six weeks goes by and I'm too busy to book a trim, and then another six go by and another, and another...
Because I have suddenly grown a few zebra streaks of white hair and I can definitely not pull off the silver fox look (hey, women can, just not this woman) I have finally booked myself in for a cut and colour and I'm quite excited about it. But I'm also nervous. All infrequent hair doers feel this when they sit down in that comfy but intimidating hair chair.
What if they cut it too short? What if the colour washes me out? What if they give me an accidental mullet and I have to pretend to like it because I'm Irish and that's the way we are? So many questions; so many fears.
How often do you get your hair done? Do you like to experiment or is a brand new Gwyneth Paltrow in Sliding Doors makeover the last thing you want?
Wish me luck for Saturday's chop.