A really good designer handbag is really expensive; there are no two ways about it. However, whether it's your 40th birthday present from your beau, or maybe you've just been working really f*ing hard and you deserve to treat yourself, an amazing designer handbag is an investment. If you pick the right bag, you can easily switch it up from daytime casual wear to night-out glamour.
With the right bag, your levels of sophistication, classiness and style are automatically bumped up 150%, no matter what else you're wearing. When a woman walks into a room with a stunning designer handbag dangling off her forearm, it catches any fashion lover's eye immediately. People will argue here, "but it doesn't need to be designer, that's just a brand name; it could be any stylish leather bag", but no, this is not the case. Whether it's a Stella McCartney, a Prada, a Givenchy and so forth, to the right onlooker, we know the exact bag. We have drooled over it in the pages of glossy magazines. We want that bag and we are jealous.
These bags are so recognisable their mere emblem immediately separates them from the rest. Their logo speaks a thousand words in their own right without having to spell out the brand name. Typically, members of the opposite sex struggle to understand why a woman would ever fork out €4,000 on a handbag, but to a woman, it makes them feel important and exclusive. A woman carrying an outrageously expensive handbag is like a man driving his top-of-the-line car. Plus it's PRETTY.
Should you decide to treat yourself to a leather gift from God, the type of bag you chose should match your lifestyle. If your style is more casual-chic an over the shoulder bag may be the choice for you. If you're more of a big bouncy blow-dry kind of gal in a knee-length skirt and heels, you should go for a big structured leather bag to hang off your arm as you strut around in your sunnies through town. If you're always out socialising and attending events, maybe the perfect clutch is perfect for you.
Now to the good part. If you are planning on that splurge (do it!), here are my personal pics of the best designer bags out there.
Givenchy Antigona - €1,650
Louis Vuitton Capucines Collection - £3,450.00
YSL Clutch - €1,190.00
Saint Laurent Sac De Jour Bag - €2,350.00
Chanel Flap Bag - €4,700.00
Bottega Veneta Messenger Leather Tote - €3,300.00
Celiné Belt Bag in Goat Skin - €1,950.00
Victoria Beckham Mini Shoulder Bag - €1,256.00
Prada Galleria Bag - €1,680.00
As well as being Beaut.ie's Fashion Contributor, Rob is a regular fashion presenter on TV3 Ireland AM and Spin1038. Follow Rob on social media: