Yup, it's October, and that means something very important in the beauty calendar - it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Pioneered at Estee Lauder in the 1990s, all the Lauder brands roll out the stops during October, with lots of special pink products on offer. A portion of the proceeds of the sale of each one go to breast cancer charities in Ireland, so it's a great way to look good and give to a worthwhile cause.
Like anything, this is open to abuse: some cynical beauty brands have jumped on the pink bandwagon, and market their own pink products, but only give a tiny percentage of profits to charities. Which is obviously not in the spirit of the original idea, so we recommend you only buy your pink choices from companies who declare what they donate.
So, does it really make a difference? Yes, is the answer. Boots say that €20 enables Action Breast Cancer to send out 60 breast awareness information packs to a GP’s surgery, €50 covers the cost of two calls to the National Breast Cancer Helpline, which offers crucial one-to-one support and information to anyone affected by breast cancer and €500 will fully train one volunteer to provide emotional and practical support to people who are currently going through their breast cancer journey.
With that in mind, here's our run-down of what's worth splurging on in October.
- This cute manicure set is from M&S and 10% of its €30 price goes to the Marie Keating Foundation.
- €10 from the sale of this Limited Edition Pink Travel Brush Set, €75, by Face 2, will go to breast cancer charities. Buy at Make Up For Ever, Clarendon Street
- Buy your ‘Pink Ribbon’ Colour Surge Butter Shine Lipstick, €19, by Clinique, at Boots stores to ensure that €4 from each purchase is given to breast cancer charities - €2 from Clinique and €2 from Boots.
- Splash out on the shocking pink Kiss styler, €177, by GHD at Peter Mark salons, and Action Breast Cancer will receive €12.50. Plus, it comes with 3 lip glosses too.
- Head to Brown Thomas, Dublin or House of Fraser, Dundrum and snap up Super Line Preventer Extreme, €49, from Prescriptives. During October, €6 from every purchase will be given to the Cancer Clinical Research Trust at Vincents Hospital
- 20% of the proceeds of the No7 All Over Face Powder, €18.75, will go to Action Breast Cancer
- The Elizabeth Hurley High Gloss Color Collection contains two of her favourite shades as well as a limited edition pink. Nab it for €17.50, at Estee Lauder counters nationwide, and €7 from each purchase will be donated to breast cancer charities
- A pack of two themed Nail Files €3.00, from Boots, includes 10% donation to Action Breast Cancer
Happy shopping!