Reading through the Christmas Blather post, I found a little something that set my beauty antenna waving, and I think you lot will like it too. Reader Em told us, "My brother bought me one of those new Nutriheat hairdryers for Xmas. I wasn’t really expecting it to be much different but I used it this morning and it’s definitely done something. My hair does seem smoother and less frizzy and I haven’t had to straighten it".
Oooh! Well, that warranted some look-seeing-into, I thought. So how is it able to smoothe and de-frizz hair? It's all thanks to special moisturising capsules that you insert into the dryer. They're full of goodies like vitamins and silk proteins, and that's why you get lovely locks. You can control the level of product delivered to your hair too, so it's very customisable. Now, the downside to that is you have to replace the capsules, but apparently it's well worth it. The web abounds with great reviews of the product, and Charlotte at Kissandmakeup has even done a video piece on how good it is.
So, where to buy? Boots, Argos and Tesco are yer only men (mans?) and you'll pay about €70 for the dryer, with replacement packs containing six capsules costing €9.99.