One of my absolute favourite beauty things is nail varnish. I have shoe boxes crammed full of the stuff in every colour under the sun and wear it pretty much every day without fail. That said - and it near kills me to admit it - I just cannot get on board with one of the top nail trends for summer, which is nude beige-to-taupe nail polish.
This is something that can look brilliant on other people – people with either flawless, creamy skin or those of a more olive-skinned disposition. Evas Mendes and Longoria-Parker, for example, wear this really fantastically, managing to look well-groomed and cool without trying too hard. When I’ve tried to pull it off with a variety of shades, Himself has variously remarked “Jaysis, your nails look a bit dead or something, don’t they?” and “Looks like you’ve a 20-a-day habit.”
Suffice to say, it does not work on me. It looks absolutely vile.
However, it is Big Beauty News for SS09 so if you fancy having a crack at this nude nails business yourself (if only to be able to work the word "nude" into conversation at every opportunity), I very much recommend trying before you buy to make sure you avoid looking like a chain-smoking walking corpse…
Two to check out are Dior Vernis in Nude Chic, €21, which has a pinkish undertone and Estee Lauder Pure Pops Nail Colour in Honey Flower, €17, which has a more yellowish undertone - and both are much more beige-y In Real Life than in the pic above!