I've been a makeup artist for over ten years now and I must own pretty much every type of cosmetic or make up brush known to mankind. But when it comes to holidays, weekends away or anything involving an overnight bag, then my brain implodes. I constantly forget those vital products when I am traveling - I am an absolute nightmare. I pack and re pack so many times I end up with nothing.
I miss the days of no baggage restrictions. Bringing Denny rashers and sausages on our holidays, remember that? Not these days - the poor men in our lives only get to bring two or three outfits nowadays with us women telling them ‘sure you don’t need much!’
Yes, baggage restrictions have changed the way we pack. Between your moisturiser being forgotten in those silly little sandwich bags in the airport and our adherence to the liquid allowance, we're always looking for clever ways to help us maximise the cosmetic carry-on (in all senses of the word).
So let us tell you some tricks to improvise on those forgotten makeup must haves when you are away.
- Behold the cotton bud
Never have I had so much respect for these little magnificent tools. Why? Because when I went on my holidays recently, I forgot pretty much all of my makeup brushes. It was like some sort of travesty when I opened my makeup bag. But a good workman never blames his tools (or lack thereof) and so cotton buds fast became an applicator for my eyeshadow, eyeliner and eyebrow powder. They worked an absolute treat and were so handy as they were disposable. And I also felt like a makeup MacGyver.
- Mascara as eyeliner
I am addicted to gel liner and feel baldy-eyed like without it. You know when those people say ‘you look really DIFFERENT today’ when what they really mean is you look weird.
If your eyeliner has gone missing, simply scoop a little bit off your mascara brush on to your hand and use your brush or cotton tip to apply. This works great as it will dry in and stay in place too.
- Blusher as lip colour or vice versa
I am forever doing this one as I always forget one or the other. That’s why it’s always good to have a cream blusher as it’s so easy to dab your fingers into the cream based colour and pat over the lips or cheeks. But never fear you can still do this with powder.
My top tip to remember is that a little goes along way on the cheeks and make sure to keep gently patting it in until any visible fingerprints disappear. I have often dabbed a bit of pale pink blusher across my lips and been complimented as to what lipstick it is so it just shows you there are so many ways you can multi use a product.
- Hairspray to seal the deal
I am probably going to cause a row with this one here but we are talking BEAUTY EMERGENCY. Whether you have forgotten something to tame those out of control eyebrows or translucent powder to set your foundation, there is nothing a decent hairspray won’t hold. Spray a little bit on to your fingertips and wipe through your eyebrows for a polished sleek hold.
And for the face, spray it a good bit away just so it hits you like a gentle mist and your foundation will stay in place. But this is for emergency use only as the ingredients in hairspray are NOT recommended for face-spraying….
What are your multi-use or emergency replacement beauty products? We love a good quick fix cosmetic tip here at Beaut.ie so let's get sharing!