Everybody was Kung fu frizz fighting
That hair it grew like lightening
In fact it was a little bit frightening
It frizzed with expert timing
Ahem. A bit lame I know. But hair, still you continue to be the bane of my life. It's this weather - oh the rain and the humidity. All the Frizz Forecasts and Hair Reports in the world aren't comforting me any more. No, I just need STUFF. Hair stuff that works. It's honest to god getting bigger. And bigger. I even went and got it cut last week so desperate was I - and so afraid of the appearance of the dreaded triangle head.
Now Nicky Clarke Smooth it Over Frizz control I have no idea how you came to be in my bathroom cabinet but as soon as I saw the words for really rebellious hair I knew we were meant to be together.
This is a leave in conditioning spriz that you spray through towel dried hair. And here's my tip: use LOADS of it. Soak your hair. Spritz like you've never spritzed before. Etc. Then you can style as normal - blow dry or leave to dry naturally.
Does it work? Yes, I'm pleased to report that although the hair is still bigger than is normal or right it's much more controlled when I use this stuff.
But remember. Use LOADS.