Hard and all as it is to believe that men could ever be as lovely as us gals, what with all that farting they do, they now at least have a chance to join us in our Bliss obsession.
For those canny folks at Bliss HQ have created a couple of shaving treats for the men in our lives. There's a new Thermal Shaving Cream (left) that heats on contact with the skin to give you a proper hot towel shave experience.
There's also a post shave repair lotion that's designed to soothe just shaved skin and prevent ingrown hairs.
Spoil yerselves lads, sure aren't you worth it? Both Homme Improvement products (don't we just love Bliss' clever puns? Oh we sure do) are available from blissworld.com and at $18 a pop, you'll save cash at the moment because of the weak dollar.