A summary of a conversation which occurred at my place of work recently:
COLLEAGUE ONE: "Oh I like your ring! Where did you get that?"
ME: "Ah thanks! It's Scott Wilson for ASOS. There was actually a matching bracelet but I was kinda put off it because I saw it on Amanda Holden, and y'know ...."
ENTIRE OFFICE IN SYMPATHETIC TANDEM: "ah God poor Amanda Holden. Desperate what happened to her."
Amanda was given a minute of respectful silence and then:
COLLEAGUE TWO: "she does wear awful clothes though."
COLLEAGUE THREE: "AND she has a five finger forehead!"
Readers, not really being au fait with America's Next Top Model or any Tyraisms barring SMIZE, this was a new one on me. A five finger forehead!? What could it mean? Colleague three helpfully demonstrated by placing her hand across her non-five-finger-forehead. Colleague one was quick to point out that equally bad would be a two finger forehead. Entire office was in stitches at this point.
So, the burning question for today is, how many fingers is YOUR forehead - and no cheating! Spill in the comments.