So it's only been, what, a million years since we've brought you a new look Beaut.ie?
We've been serving you up daily doses of beauty, fashion, life and fun since 2006 - sometimes we find it hard to believe it ourselves. The years have literally FLOWN by! Some of you will remember earlier incarnations - (come in Sarah Palin) and we really hope you're going to love this one too - because it's super!
The site is unbelievably huge and it was creaking at the seams. Trillions of categories, thousands of posts and about a kajillion comments (no exaggeration) meant that it was a job of mega effort to put some smeacht on it and make it easier to browse and use. And of course it's going to look fantastic - we hope you'll like it!
Mega excited. Watch this space because one day soon you'll wake up, log on and we'll be shiny and new.