Myself and Himself are on a major "shop local" trip at the moment, insisting on buying Irish goods in Irish shops wherever possible. This is partly a reaction to the Euro/Sterling/VAT rate thing (eff you, River Island! Think I'll be paying €58.50 for a skirt that has £34 quid - currently, that's about 35 yo yos - printed on the label, do you? Well think again) and partly an attempt to support local industry in the, eh, current economic climate.
Am refusing to use the "R" word at the moment.
So it was while pottering around Portarlington yesterday afternoon that I came across what must surely be the cheapest nail colour in the known universe. Essence is a brand I haven't paid too much attention to in the past, what with the decidedly tweeny/teeny packaging, but I did a double-take in the owned-by-a-local chemist when I clocked the price of their "Colour & Go" nail varnish. A measly €1.29 will bag you a bottle of this stuff, which comes in some seriously excellent hues - the navy "Rock It, Baby!" is a dead ringer for Chanel's infamous Blue Satin while the subtly sparkly black "Very Diva" could pass for Dior's Black Sequins no bother.
And for that tiny price, sure you can pick up a few bottles with nil guilt!
Find Essence in random chemists around the country or in Dunnes Stores.